In the aftermath of the battle between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, Cyclops is left to reflect on the events that have unfolded. He is joined by his teammates, Jean Grey and Wolverine, who offer their support and安慰. Cyclops is grateful for their support, but he is still troubled by the violence that has taken place. He knows that the X-Men are supposed to be a force for good, but he is beginning to question whether or not they are doing more harm than good.
Cyclops's doubts are understandable. The X-Men have been through a lot in recent months. They have been fighting a war against the Brotherhood of Mutants, and they have lost many of their friends and loved ones. Cyclops is starting to wonder if the cost of this war is too high.
Cyclops's doubts are also shared by some of his teammates. Jean Grey is worried that the X-Men are becoming too violent. She believes that they are starting to lose sight of their mission to protect mutantkind. Wolverine agrees with Jean, and he is concerned that the X-Men are becoming a danger to themselves and to others.
Cyclops, Jean, and Wolverine are all struggling with the same doubts. They are all trying to figure out what the X-Men should do next. They know that they need to make a decision soon, because the future of the X-Men is at stake.